Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Review : Magix Digital DJ2

Its February 29th 2012 and its a blog day..

Yes, its a blog day, soon to be a video day I think :-)  just got one in the edit; and I think its a great fun little program to play with - my opinions of course. This is a little different as I am mostly blogging from work but today was so busy (ish) that have resorted to blogging from home; well least I get to do it from my new kewl keyboard unlike the crappy one I have to deal with at work.

So, how has/is everyones day going/been today? Mine was busy with some kewl bits in it. And some less good bits although a meeting I wanted to have today was postponed. On a plus point I have a new venture launched - just hope it goes somewhere ...

So to give you a heads up. For a number of blogs now I have talked about working from home and all that. I was alluding to the fact that I wanted to work from home and have been trying to discover the best solution for that. I came up with one business idea that may or may not work.. I won't go into the details of it but will say TechnologistPR. Simple as that hehe. Now this isn't a full time role for me at the moment; its an attempt at building up something to move into a full time role and to get paid for something I do at the moment... i.e. product reviews.

It is something I enjoy and think I am good at (and co-starter too).But as part of my journey I will take you along for the ride - for those thinking of starting up something. I will say one thing and that is this is not the only WFH I plan to start. Once one if off the ground and running there is a second one I also want to pursue. Both of these are passions of mine and so will be enjoyable - but to make success I believe you need to have more than one business running.

On another note. I have something special in for review at the moment. Its from Autodesk (go look up what they do if don't know already) and is quite expensive to buy. I have a 3 year license review copy and once figured out I will be creating and editing a nice video. It may work out to a series of vids just like want to do with Reason and Studio One. So just watch this space.

O, let me load a quick first attempt animation done with it for you to view - its of my second channel and blog in name :

Well, I think that maybe it for today - well unless I get that video cut..

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Qpad MK80 Keyboard Unboxing

All about the PR.. so it seems

The title really says it all. Its all about the PR. PR is such a big aspect in our lives and we don't half the time realize it. For a blog or a YouTube channel like mine (Netroman28 , TheGeekFiles) then advertising is the difference between being noticed or not. Companies use PR all the time to get their products noticed, and the ones that don't - well, we hardly hear about those ones.

But I did say PR is such a big aspect of our lives. We are surrounded by it every day; billboards, news papers, TV, food packaging. All these items are informing us, tempting us and guiding us into our next purchase. It could be to try a new loaf of bread, or buy that new console or even a new car; but good PR will tempt us and usually succeeds.

Bad PR, well is there such a thing. I mean, its not the PR that is bad; more the product or company. But PR can change a bad situation or product into a good one. Infact if your product or company has a bad rep then its of the most importance to get on with PR.

With todays society PR is everywhere. Who here remembers the million dollar webpage.. Advertising on a per-pixel level (though normally had to buy a 100 pixel slot). I even had my own version of that site though at that time there were so many that never went anywhere hehe.

For those of you that were reading this looking for how to do PR then I am afraid I don't have that answer other than PR for everything is different.  Maybe you could go and point your facebook friends at video or product or something? But I will tell you this much; get it right and it works.

We can prove it. Share this post with all your friends and say read and follow the share post also. Then we can see how many views this one post can get... This could be idea of PR in action. And also go check out channels for lots more...

Just as an added quick note, go check out Technologist PR as our attempt at a easy solution to PR.

Presonus Studio One Review

Thursday, February 16, 2012

just some stuff going on and links.. check out and go follow to facebook  :-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Some of you may have noticed that...

I on occasion put video in this blog   :-)   Most of these come from my techie youtube channel(s) (have two now as trying to move tech to 1 channel leaving other for fun). However, last post was from a new channel setup with a friend of mine.

We both enjoy making videos (probably me more for being in front of camera and playing with effects and him more with the editing process) and decided we wanted to try and do more shorts with effects, action, etc. October last year we did one for a Halloween competition and although didn't win we enjoyed it so much that thought we could do more.

So a month or two ago we filmed some video, twas a cold and frosty day hehe. Then we spent spare time (and not a lot of that) tweaking, adding some visual effects, colorization, and finally music and intro and we produced what was in our previous blog. As we went through this process we have learnt some stuff which means our next video will be filmed in a way to allow us to do these new effects.

Now, as it something we do in spare time this maybe filmed soon or later but something will be added over time. Unlike some of the bigger youtubers we have to work :-(  though would love to be in a position of making short videos and doing that as work.

But we can all dream.. Bottom line is that in this blog I will quite often try to be informative, that's what I try to do on my video channels. However, on occasion as this is a blog I will just blog or post something I find interesting.. Only saying that because over past week have had some anonymous spam posters who to scared to actually use their names... But for the rest of you that enjoy my odd and random posts I thanks you all for taking the time to read my blog. I hope it gives you some amusement; least as much as it gives me writing.

ConfusedDuckVideos Presents a short film

Monday, February 13, 2012

New business ideas...??? Lets start a business together..

This mail is going to be more like questions than answers, maybe it questions you ask yourself? I don't know. But I expect many of us wander about working from home or making extra money; infact I did a blog a week or two ago about it; about the current ways.

But I feel that there are things we can do that we have not though of. As an example... I was watching videos from a YouTuber I view who says he runs businesses (plural). Now, he drives a 6 series BMW and saw some pics of house he is moving into (nice). So; i thought; what does he do to make that much cash.

I investigated a little and found a link to one of the businesses he does which was to hire out models for advertising gigs. Now I understand the way he meets these models (I also know that if advertise you get some come down) and its probably a great business model as only pay models when they work.And if you know plenty of nice looking men or women this may work well. I can think of a few other things could apply this business model too also.

Hiring services also good way; as in skills and not looks. Companies like Geek Squad and etc seems to have done well in this market. Personally I reckon I could fit computer memory far cheaper than all these companies.. But again its just getting established - locally not so hard if get lots of business cards done and then leave them around.

I do also have one other concept/business model I am working on in my head. Not something I will bring into blog as not finished and I tend to only talk about solid ideas as things can change.

Now, we can all buy items to sell; infact I have tried that with which is probably still a little work in progress and research (still bits of page not figured out how to edit). This was something I bought as a turnkey package. Of course I brought down prices, i can't see benefit of selling ebooks at 10GBP like original price, 1.50GBP or there is fine as low costs. Please do check out if get time, may find something interesting. And if do please share out link.

So, as say, there are the sell items. Turnkey businesses we can buy off ebay, etc. There are guru dvd's etc. But at the end of the day its that thing; you know, that thing that nobody has through off but where there is a clear market..

By the way, if anyone wants to banter off some ideas at me or would like to get involved (50/50) in any business ideas - ideas that can start for free.. then please do leave me message and we can chat.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to get review items for YouTube

This is my personal account of this and maybe different for everyone but I thought I would at least share my experience...

So, I had a YouTube channel Netroman28 ( for a long time; probably for about 5 yours or so now; which I created so can do the proof of 18 and watch videos. Never really had interest in producing them to begin with..

Anyhow; one day about a year and half ago maybe I thought "I think I'd like to review things"... But.. Having only few subscribers I had no audience base. So I spent some time building up some subscribers till I had around100 or so. That gave me a good start base.

So; what I did was go through Mac App Store and less expensive download software that was produced and emailed a number of these companies. Some may ask how did you do that? Well, once I had identified a piece of software I wanted to review then I spent some time on the company website, got an idea of the software, found any contact pages with emails. I then spent some time constructing an email explaining I would like to review your software on my channel; gave them a little about myself; experience; what I wanted to do and why I wanted to review their software.

I came across some very generous companies through that time, many give me give away copies too to try and build up more subscribers. This was hit and miss though as a lot of people never tried entering the competition which meant 2 or 3 subscribers won a number of these items..

But so it progressed; find a company; construct an email; if get software do the review and put on channel. Its a cycle. Then I was lucky to come across 1 advertising company. They started providing me with software without my need to request which was great. No give aways though. Thing is; I love doing the give aways but if people did not enter it was kind of wasted effort.. Would love to do more in the future..

Progress to today.. I now have a couple of advertising companies having sent me items. Its about maintaining the connection; providing good solid feedback that they require at times. But also as you do more review, hopefully gather more subscribers; you can go for bigger software. As an example I am currently cutting together a review of Reason 6 and I have another big music software name just come in with a potential other big Other software company contacting me.

I'm always grateful for the companies that put their trust in me so I always also thank them for this in both an email and by producing good video.

If you produce good video; prove you can provide content; write polite and informative emails; then companies will trust you. Just as a side note I get about 60-70% reviews out of my emails. 30-40% of companies tend to not take the option for a review so don't be dis-heartened if you get some turned down.

One other important thing to consider. Although my Netroman28 channel gets reviews and lots of views its not the easiest channel name. I created a new channel TheGeekFiles ( This is a more technology based channel name and is one I am now trying to build and get as my tech and review channel. I have some luck in that I can duplicate reviews on both channels for now with the larger channel getting me the software. But it is important to choose a good name.

Please do stop by to channels and subscribe. If nothing else you can see the style I use and its a style that gets me positive feedback from companies, people and provides a good example for companies to check out.

One last thing. Don't be put off by people with negative comments. Trolls on youtube, blogs, etc exist and will always leave you a negative comment. The more success you have the more you get. I'm not sure if its their way of trying to get a name or just jealous.. but as long as you enjoy ignore. I get all sorts (had a "why don't you go and die" comment the once and I just sent a reply of hehehehe dickh#@d hehe)..

Enjoy guys and hope this helps a little

Shall I write a book - can I write a book? Doing it from home...

So you may remember my recent blog about working from home. One of the common scenarios is the free lance writer and working from home; and certainly I was wandering how difficult this sort of thing can be.

Now... I have a good friend of mine that produces music - Tangent.. Hold with me, I'll get there. He's been producing music for many years, been part of many smaller bands for 30 years or more and at one point that was his job.

Now, fast forward to last few years. He has written or rather created music and using the web he puts his music on particular site(s) for sale (this is where tangent reeled back in). Now he produces good music, spends great amounts of time perfecting it. But because of the mass market he may make a few pounds a month if lucky.

So... Taking that example over to book writing or freelance writing. How many books/ebooks are written and never take off or never produce much money? Could these been great books or not so great? Is it marketing?

So, to answer my own question and research I am considering writing such a book. Now, I am not sure if I am a great writer; not even sure of a story line; but I am sure on the target market. I am going to write an ebook that a parent can read too a toddler. Why? Because I have a target audience to check if good story or not hehe. Also; such stories don't have to be very long and you can even write a series.

If that goes well then I may try moving up in number of pages? Maybe aim at slight older ages? But in all this is a research and results will be shared... Hopefully there will be results.

So, have any of you reading this blog ever produced any ebooks/books? Do you have advice, hints, tips? 

OK, this blog may not be fountain of all knowledge some people expect so I will try to get a more techie one out today also :-D

Monday, February 6, 2012

PC repairs are me... I see broken systems

Its not just PC's but these are the general and always with windows. Although one of my fixes this weekend wasn't on a PC per say but on a router.

So, are you that person that everyone in your family (and friends) calls when there computer or anything related stops working? I am and in theory if charged could have made a nice profit hehe. Even to point that I have built system for friends for cost.

Anyhow, this weekend I visited my family and both my cousin and brother were having problems. My cousins problem was that occasionally windows crashed. Vista, yak. Not a lot I could do really as no obvious pattern, just vista being crap. So install some repair software and fix all issues can find and let it run.

My brothers issue was more interesting though and shows just how crap some "professional" internet fitters can be. So what do I mean you ask...

My brother had cable modem but the supplier in the UK. He has had for long time and had one of the original modem routers. Now having had some issues over Christmas they cam and gave him a new router and set it up. Fitter guy said something apparently on how old router not configured correctly and when they couldn't get wifi even after his changes in configuration he said that one computer must have a virus and the other one was too old..

Too old for it to connect to the wifi through its inbuilt wifi card. How much shite.. Anyhow, they have not been able to connect the PS3 or laptops since this "expert..." came along, fitted new router and configured.

So along comes me on yesterday.. I look at computer and try different wifi config settings to check not that. But PS3 also with issue. Hmm.. So, hard lead into router, goto wifi settings, and sure enough this "expert..." had set it on the crapest wifi channel he could have. Now wander nothing could see it with all the wifi interference.

Long story short, 1 min to change wifi channel and for it to reboot and bam. Everything connects. So, moral is to just be wary of these experts that come along.

But am I an expert. I don't consider myself one; but I have been building my own PC's since 1993, I did do my own rom changes for example in my Amiga and made changes in Macs. Also changed screens on laptops.. The list goes on. :-)  But as technology changes constantly I would hate to reach a point that I feel like an expert and stop thinking..

So, what issues have you encountered from family and did you get many to move to Linux (I have got a couple across)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

O to be younger with todays games

I'm not moaning before I start this :-)  Reason I say this is that currently 41 and I do love to play a good FPS like Battfield 3 or Modern Warefare 3. I don't have lots of game time, maybe an hour a day if lucky. But I tend to do alright, usually ranking in the upper midway  up to number 1 in some cases. But I must admit that my reactions as I got older have slowed a little. I know that if I were in my late teens or early 20's I would be ranking much higher so this is the reason of my title :-)

Now to address the "Didn't you blog about games the other day" comments hehe. Yes, although this is a different subject to that. This is more about my history and how I saw the progression of FPS games. Some of you may not know or remember some of these but you can be forgiven.

So, in my late teens and early 20's computer games weren't up to the standard of today; or rather they were of equivalent standard as todays but at that date. Games I were playing were like "Turrican", "Strider 2", "The Killing Game Show", "Shadow of the Beast" and many others. There were race games such as "Lotus" but in my gaming life I developed a love for Flight Sims.

Now, when I say flight sims I am not talking say Flight Simulators. Now, we're talking things like F117A, F19, F16 and many of them. These were flight games where the objective was to blow the crap out of a number of objects. Many of these games (if not all the good ones) were released by a company called MicroProse if you wanted to go and check them out.

In my eye's these games were the FPS games of their time. They were played by the bigger number and you basically went out and from a first person perspective shot your different weapons at the targets. I do believe that these were the first FPS games (even if in a virtual plane).

Then in 1992 Wolfenstein 3D was officially release and its been a constant since then. So, Wolf3D followed by Doom was my route. Then there were others such as "Rise of the Triad" which I thought was better in most ways than say Doom and later Quake. Duke Nukem 3D next and this was the first game I multi-played using a BT system called Wireplay. Basically it was similar to a BBS where you dialed in and connected to a game. Of course you had a phone bill to pay so tried not to stay on much.

Quake was the first game I played multi-player over a network back in 1997. Working in my first role we used to play it lunchtime; that and "Command and Conquer : Red Aleft". This was probably the end of my peak of reactions as in my late 20's. Its also the first time I learnt to play with the mouse as up to that point keys were favored. Well Quake was 3D environment over the 2D Doom.

Anyhows, getting back to it. Kind of a blur of games at that point as we moved at some point into Unreal and Halflife and many more. But bringing us into the last 10 years. After Halflife my gaming kind of was just get the next one but no real passion until Battlefield 1942. Now there was a FPS even with all its bugs. Some great addon packs - makes me think shall I install again tonight..

The rest is history as they say going through each Call of Duty and Battlefield game as they came out up until today. Still many I have not played in my collection.. Maybe one day.

So there you have it, a bit of a babble and waffle on my gaming experience and thoughts. As I say if I were to have the reactions I had back when playing Strider 2 as an example I'd say look out but now settle for the mid board   :-)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Would you like to work from home?

I know I certainly would, especially on these cold mornings. Thing is; last year I was made redundant from the company I was working for, though we were given 10 months notice so wasn't a shock. During my looking for a new role the first company I saw was a work from home role. Well, work from home 4 days of the week with a 45 mile journey on the other to the tiny office anyhow.

Now this job was a major pay cut to the border line of what could have accepted BUT the benefit being less petrol and fact that we could have moved to a different place that would have loved to have lived in; and cheaper maybe with house prices. As it goes I got down to the last 2 but the other guy knew ASP   (not, just VB ASP) and I didn't. However; I got that far due to my people management skills and developer skills in other markets.

This did leave me hungry for more though current role I drive 28 miles to the office each day :-(   ... However I still have an eager passion on the whole work from home thing. Probably comes down to when going through University and one of projects had to do was study a case of early working from home people (mainly entering newspaper articles onto website for the newspapers). Left me thinking "I would love to do that".

So a more recent study I have started have produced some interesting results so to speak. Now, you have your cons (as in con men) and you have some legit. Some are working for a company and some are freelance.

Let me first tackle the con. So sometimes you come across jobs that say you have to buy an intro pack for $xxx.xx or less. Thing one example I saw was 30GBP. Now, not all these are a con as some are legit HOWEVER my suggestion is that if you have to buy something to do the job - then probability is that the main income to the company selling are those packs. You would probably earn very little money doing the job - possibly not even enough to cover the initial pack. Now, again, this may not always be true but to be safe if you see that you have to buy something to get job then don't do it. A good company would always give that pack for free..

Other roles I have seen grouped are the support workers from home. Now these are quite an interesting one as you generally work direct for a company getting holiday, pension, etc. What you tend to do is define a time of the day that you can do the support and you get support calls and emails routed to you. Its a virtual call center to be more precise. I would say that this is the safest and probably best constant income roles and they are out there.. I saw one last night for example.

Final collection of roles saw were the freelance writing roles. Now these could be for a online paper, magazine, website, etc. To be honest the actual published site they are for doesn't matter as they are basically all the same. You write something and submit it. If it gets published you get money. If not you don't.  Your basically selling your story like freelance reporters do to the news papers. Now there is no guarantee of money for this and in the beginning your writings probably won't bring much in but may increase over time.

There are other forms of working from home such as ebay seller; setting up your own company to do something (generally retail) and even writing blogs and YouTube and trying to earn money from advertising revenue..  But when it comes down to it; if want a constant income then get one of those virtual call center roles.

Again these are just my thoughts; my findings. Please, if  you are interested in working from home go and check out what is out there - plenty of sites. And do your research on any company before you start (and don't hand over any money)