Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Edifier M1380 Speakers Review

In this video I give a quick rundown of the Edifier's M1380 2.1 speaker system along with some examples (all video taken with camera so speakers may sound slightly different in real life)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

New website for stuff

Hey there everyone. Its been a while since I have actually put a written article although I am still trying to post all my tech video reviews here as I do them. I have couple of items on route as it goes so keep an eye out.

I have also been working on a new blog type webpage, well 2 actually (there are more that 2). One is Techno-Info and the other BusinessThinkTank although the later of those I am making more of a long term page with less updates.

I do have one or two more projects not mentioned. However, for both the above; if you want to come and write some articles for us please do.

Thats it really, short update. Pop along to those other sites and if want to produce some articles please let us know.