Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A week away and Adobe Cloud it active

Well, I certainly picked the wrong Friday to go on holiday :-)   but little did I know back in Jan/Feb that I would have, first, subscribed to Adobe Cloud and second that it would be activated the day I went away for a week.

Anyhow, I saw that email about it being live while surfing on the free wifi in the hotel I was staying at in Majorca and although envious of those playing with CS6; I was still enjoying the sun.

Fast forward till last Saturday (19th) and I was back in the UK ya. Up to my PC (I can install and run software on both my Mac and PC - but chose PC for initial install as more Harddrive space) and I was off - downloading 16 items.

So far I have cut one quick vlog video using Premier CS6  (nice); played a little with the tracking in AE CS6 and looked at Photoshop CS6. O; and I have looked at Muse and Dreamweaver which maybe fun going forward.

Moving forward I will certainly be giving my thoughts on the CS6 products - or rather those I use. At the moment, for example, I'm finding it hard to see use of Muse. Its a nice interface for building site but when I went to edit page the in editor seemed quite weak. That said, after playing more I may find a better use???

In the mean time; anyone else had opportunity to play with the CS6 tools.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cheapest way to upgrade a system???

Is there a cheap way at the moment? I was checking out upgrading my PC from the i7 920 to a i7 2600 now that the new processors coming out and was still surprised to see costs high. As an example, I was watching a bundle of cpu, motherboard and memory go on ebay for over 320GBP.

I then saw some Advent (Curry's own brand I believe) complete systems going for around 450GBP which were i7 2600, 8GB memory, 2GB WD hard drive, ATI 6770 and all the other general stuff. So for just over 100 more you get an actual PC. Buck for buck the entire PC works out cheaper. OK, the motherboard is one of cheaper ones; but with i7 2600 still costing 224GBP in shops...

One idea you may want to follow (and something I am testing having got one of these PC's) and my idea (that is if I don't like the configuration of the system; i.e. the case look) is to strip out the processor, motherboard and memory and replace with parts I want to upgrade from; in my case the i7 920. Then resell the system with a smaller loss. So my aim for example is to make 320-340 back meaning I will have upgraded for around 110GBP.

Now; at a later date I may want to upgrade the motherboard - but this still will mean I paid 110 for processor and memory.. Make sense? Certainly considering that with motherboard it would still be below 200 and not over 320. Could even swap out 2Gb hard drive for a 500Gb got spare - even more financial sense.

Now; I may get back later and think "I like the design of this system" and so swap out the 6770 and put in my 6950 and sell on other system. But; either way to me this seems like the cheapest way to upgrade.

I'll let you guys know in a few weeks if this plan works out..   Anyone want to buy a i7 920 gaming system with 12Gb of ram and 6770   ;-)