Wednesday, February 22, 2012

All about the PR.. so it seems

The title really says it all. Its all about the PR. PR is such a big aspect in our lives and we don't half the time realize it. For a blog or a YouTube channel like mine (Netroman28 , TheGeekFiles) then advertising is the difference between being noticed or not. Companies use PR all the time to get their products noticed, and the ones that don't - well, we hardly hear about those ones.

But I did say PR is such a big aspect of our lives. We are surrounded by it every day; billboards, news papers, TV, food packaging. All these items are informing us, tempting us and guiding us into our next purchase. It could be to try a new loaf of bread, or buy that new console or even a new car; but good PR will tempt us and usually succeeds.

Bad PR, well is there such a thing. I mean, its not the PR that is bad; more the product or company. But PR can change a bad situation or product into a good one. Infact if your product or company has a bad rep then its of the most importance to get on with PR.

With todays society PR is everywhere. Who here remembers the million dollar webpage.. Advertising on a per-pixel level (though normally had to buy a 100 pixel slot). I even had my own version of that site though at that time there were so many that never went anywhere hehe.

For those of you that were reading this looking for how to do PR then I am afraid I don't have that answer other than PR for everything is different.  Maybe you could go and point your facebook friends at video or product or something? But I will tell you this much; get it right and it works.

We can prove it. Share this post with all your friends and say read and follow the share post also. Then we can see how many views this one post can get... This could be idea of PR in action. And also go check out channels for lots more...

Just as an added quick note, go check out Technologist PR as our attempt at a easy solution to PR.

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