Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Some of you may have noticed that...

I on occasion put video in this blog   :-)   Most of these come from my techie youtube channel(s) (have two now as trying to move tech to 1 channel leaving other for fun). However, last post was from a new channel setup with a friend of mine.

We both enjoy making videos (probably me more for being in front of camera and playing with effects and him more with the editing process) and decided we wanted to try and do more shorts with effects, action, etc. October last year we did one for a Halloween competition and although didn't win we enjoyed it so much that thought we could do more.

So a month or two ago we filmed some video, twas a cold and frosty day hehe. Then we spent spare time (and not a lot of that) tweaking, adding some visual effects, colorization, and finally music and intro and we produced what was in our previous blog. As we went through this process we have learnt some stuff which means our next video will be filmed in a way to allow us to do these new effects.

Now, as it something we do in spare time this maybe filmed soon or later but something will be added over time. Unlike some of the bigger youtubers we have to work :-(  though would love to be in a position of making short videos and doing that as work.

But we can all dream.. Bottom line is that in this blog I will quite often try to be informative, that's what I try to do on my video channels. However, on occasion as this is a blog I will just blog or post something I find interesting.. Only saying that because over past week have had some anonymous spam posters who to scared to actually use their names... But for the rest of you that enjoy my odd and random posts I thanks you all for taking the time to read my blog. I hope it gives you some amusement; least as much as it gives me writing.

1 comment:

  1. Sean, spam is a fact of life on the internet. Firstly newsgroups, then emails, then web sites, then blog comments, webbots, link harvesting and search engine manipulation.

    One blogger I knew moved her blog as the spam comments were growing at 1,000 a day, and she just couldn't manage it. And that was hosted on wordpress.com, with all the plugins enabled!

    You're just going to have to deal with it, or disable comments.

    Why would you expect spammers to leave real names anyway?

    By the way, I'm posting as Anonymous 'cos I don't *like* all these google accounts and refuse to use them. I'm pleased that after YouTube told me I had to link my YouTube account to a google account (and a period of refusal from me), they've changed their ways and I have managed to carry on using the site without using a google ID - result!

    But my name - my name is Alistair!
